The thought of transitioning an idea from your mind to a full-fledged business can be daunting. Many people come up with great ideas, but simply don’t know where to start when putting it into action. And while there are many business-building books out there (invest in them – they can be really helpful!), I’m here to give you some advice from one mom-prenuer to another.
5 Pieces of Advice for Moms Looking to Start a Business
1. Passion is important
After explaining my background in social work to someone, their response was – “you’ve always been interested in helping kids, huh? And you still do that.” I realized that they were right – my passion for helping kids is really what motivates me in this business every day.
While there are many different areas of business you can go into, make sure it is something that you feel passionate about. Days are going to be long, decisions will be stressful and times might be tough, but if you truly feel passionate about what you are doing it will always be worth it.
2. Ask for help
I think a big misconception that founders have when starting a business is “I’m the founder, I should know everything.” That’s simply not true, and is (probably) harmful to both you and your business. When starting off, you’ll likely be putting in countless hours – and you should be! But that doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help. Reach out to people in your network that may have some helpful tips! People are more willing to share their knowledge and experience than you may think.
3. Allow yourself to learn
Along the same lines as above, it can be very easy for you as a founder to expect yourself to know everything from the start. But just like with any other job, hobby, etc. – it takes time to learn! There are going to be aspects of the business that you pick up faster than others, and that’s okay. The important thing is you continue to put all your effort into learning more and getting better.
4. Focus on your goals
Momeez Choice was born out of a goal to help kids feel better and to help make parents’ lives a little “eezier” (excuse the pun) with simple, organic remedies and supplements. Because that’s our goal, we know that everything we do should feed into achieving that goal. Whether it’s a launching a new product or developing a new marketing campaign, we do everything with that goal in mind.
5. Be yourself
I’m a mom – and that’s not something you can just turn off because you don’t feel like having motherhood responsibilities one day. I think it’s safe to say there a very few parts of you that you can simply turn off. So, with that, it’d be silly to think you can go into starting a business as anyone but your truest self. Maximize your strengths, know your weaknesses, and be unapologetically yourself.